Things to Consider When Choosing Curriculum

When choosing a curriculum for small groups or Sunday school classes there are many things to consider. Allison Benfield put together this list of questions to ask as you research all your curriculum options. While written specifically with children’s ministry in mind these considerations are helpful regardless of age-group or context.  Document: Curriculum Considerations

Maternity/Parental Leave Policies

These are sample maternity/parental policies used by various CBF partner congregations.   Links to articles from BWIM: Maternity Leave for Women Ministers by Amy Shorner-Johnson First Baptist Church of Christ, Macon, GA Hayes Barton Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC Metro Baptist Church, New York Northminster Baptist Church, Jackson, MS Providence Baptist Church, Hendersonville, NC Union Cross…

Spiritual Caregiving: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

What is spiritual care and why is it important? This PowerPoint is for clergy and laity who visit the homebound, sick, hospitalized, etc. on behalf of the church and the larger Christian community.  It also explores the different settings in which spiritual caregiving can occur and gives detailed, practical suggestions for how to give effective…