VBS Curriculums
The CBFNC Children’s Ministry Advisory Team has compiled a list of recommended Vacation Bible School Curriculums for a variety of ages and contexts. Download the resource here.
The CBFNC Children’s Ministry Advisory Team has compiled a list of recommended Vacation Bible School Curriculums for a variety of ages and contexts. Download the resource here.
This is a summary update provided by CBFNC Legal Resources Partner Jason Cogdill on two important administrative issues that may be applicable to some churches. Download the resource here.
The CBFNC Children’s Ministry Advisory Team has compiled a list of recommended Sunday School Curriculums for a variety of ages and contexts. Download the resource here.
In order to help parents with the spiritual formation of their children, CBFNC has partnered with the CBF Children’s Ministry Network to provide a weekly resource. Listen.Talk.Go. provides families with a weekly “spiritual conversation starter” and accompanying activity. We hope this resource empowers parents to have more faith-filled conversations at home! . Download each month’s conversation starters…
The Social Media Practices and Tips for Ministry is a resource created by the CBF College & Young Adult Ministry network. It is written for connecting with college students and young adults through social media but may also be used for age-related ministries and church-wide social media strategies as well. Download resource here.
A continuing reality facing many churches and pastors is the need for reliable and affordable health coverage. CBFNC’s Legal Resource Partner, Jason Cogdill, has provided two new resources to help churches and ministers in this area: Health Benefit Options for Ministers & Families Update on Small Group Health Coverage Options If you are a CBFNC…
Since our beginning, CBFNC has taken seriously the call as Christ followers to go and serve. We embrace our neighbors, near and far, by resourcing local church mission engagement and supporting missional catalysts. With this resource it is our hope that you will find meaningful opportunities for you and your congregation to engage with mission…
Are you developing a sabbatical leave policy for your staff or wanting to update your current policy? These documents will provide you with important points to consider as well as a number of policies used in CBFNC partner congregations and organizations. Access the resource here.
Pathlight is a new weekly curriculum from the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship that helps children explore the good news of Jesus through stories, scripture and activities. Each free Pathlight download offers an easy-preparation teaching guide with a story, discussion questions and learning activities as well as a take-home sheet for students. Pathlight aims to resource churches…