VBS Curriculums
The CBFNC Children’s Ministry Advisory Team has compiled a list of recommended Vacation Bible School Curriculums for a variety of ages and contexts. Download the resource here.
The CBFNC Children’s Ministry Advisory Team has compiled a list of recommended Vacation Bible School Curriculums for a variety of ages and contexts. Download the resource here.
The CBFNC Children’s Ministry Advisory Team has compiled a list of recommended Sunday School Curriculums for a variety of ages and contexts. Download the resource here.
In order to help parents with the spiritual formation of their children, CBFNC has partnered with the CBF Children’s Ministry Network to provide a weekly resource. Listen.Talk.Go. provides families with a weekly “spiritual conversation starter” and accompanying activity. We hope this resource empowers parents to have more faith-filled conversations at home! . Download each month’s conversation starters…
Pathlight is a new weekly curriculum from the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship that helps children explore the good news of Jesus through stories, scripture and activities. Each free Pathlight download offers an easy-preparation teaching guide with a story, discussion questions and learning activities as well as a take-home sheet for students. Pathlight aims to resource churches…
Consider how Scripture reveals God’s plan for all of humanity—male and female together—to serve God’s people. A 4-session video and curriculum resource for all ages to help your church articulate the biblical and theological basis for affirming the calling of women and nurture a culture that more fully welcomes their leadership. This resource is available…
Instead of just making it through the typical “summer church slump,” CBFNC’s Spiritual Formation Advisory Team has put together a series of faith formation resources for churches to share with congregants during the summer months. “On the Road” by Sarah Blackwell, Providence Baptist, Charlotte Summer means vacation and family road trips! These can be…
This document, provided by the Baugh Center for Baptist Leadership, is a summary of the information gathered by reading and reviewing portions of each curriculum. Feel free to contact Harrison Litzell (hlitzell.baughcenter@gmail.com) at the Baugh Center for further information. Click HERE to access the resource.
This list, prepared by the CBF Youth Ministry Network, provides a variety of vetted Bible studies, curriculum series and books to be used with a youth or young adult group. Click HERE to access the resource.
Stewardship is a spiritual discipline. Just as we grow believers who read Scripture, pray, worship and serve, we are called to develop Christ followers who view generosity as a key element of the life of faith. To this end, these lessons for adults, youth and children, created by CBF Global and Smyth & Helwys, have…
Seeing Through the Eyes of Jesus is a new study from CBF Global. It calls us back to the central focus of our Christian faith, the Risen and Living Jesus! This study invites congregations into deeper faithfulness with each other, equips congregations to offer a bold and positive witness to the risen Jesus and transforms us…