Featured Resources: Laity Engagement

Our fellowship is filled with amazing ministry experience and resources. We have tapped into this and asked our CBFNC Ministry Teams to create resource lists beneficial for their specific areas of ministry. These resources were featured in our E-news. We hope you will find these lists rich with resources that you will find beneficial to…

The Sun Do Move! Interpreting the Bible in Competing Cultural Contexts

Each of us interpret the Bible. Like language, meaning is determined by context. In order to engage the Bible in the spirit of justice, compassion, and love, this lecture by Jonathan Walton, Dean of School of Divinity at Wake Forest, provides interpretive tools to understand the context of the Scriptures along with the Scriptures themselves.…

Storytelling as Digital Marketing Strategy for Churches

Many churches think expanding their reach online and increasing engagement will require more content, more marketing, more communication. That’s not the case. Instead, effective communication in the digital space is about moving away from merely sharing information and toward storytelling. Storytelling will enable churches to build relationships online and engage with their congregants digitally. Christen…

The Sun Is Up: One Minister’s Awakening to Racial Reconciliation

In this webinar presented by Rev. Dr. Martha Kearse, follow one pastor’s journey of coming to understand what the true issues are that keep white Christians from understanding, and offering justice to, black people. Learn how the theology of hospitality can help us to move forward in understanding where it is that we have broken…