Mental Health and the Church

In this session Rev. Andrew Tatum, a clinical mental health chaplain, and Dr. Amanda Price, a clinical psychologist, will offer insight into the landscape of mental health in contemporary American culture, explore the possibility of a theological understanding of mental illness, and offer space to imagine the role of the church in the face of…

Tip Sheet: Pastor Appreciation Month

October is Pastor Appreciation Month with the second Sunday being celebrated as Pastor Appreciation Day. Our senior and associate pastors serve congregations across the state diligently and lovingly. They pour themselves into their ministries each and every day. And over the past two years even more so as they’ve adapted to life and ministry in…

Emotional Intelligence: A Fundamental Competence for Pastoral Care / Inteligencia Emocional: Competencia fundamental para el Cuidado Pastoral

As religious leaders, establishing an effective emotional intelligence competence in our ministry will help us be compelling in earning others’ trust and creating a connection that can empower their growth and ours. This webinar led by Dr. Daniel S. Shipani, will explore the need for this competence for leaders working within a sacred context. English subtitles…

Ministering in a Time of Christian Nationalism

Historian Bruce Gourley discusses the complex nature of Christian Nationalism. Gourley, who holds a doctorate in history from Auburn University, covers the following: I. Recognizing Christian Nationalism: Language, Themes and Value System (04:24) II. Understanding the Historical Scope and Context of Christian Nationalism (37:54) III. Responding to Christian Nationalism (75:13)  

Guide to Funeral Preparation for Individuals

A guide, prepared by Forest Hills Baptist Church in Raleigh and given to congregants, is an example of how churches can minister to their members in the later stages of life. This guide helps congregants think through the elements they’d like in their funeral as well as gives practical information like how the church handles…

Understanding and Ministering to Blended Families

Blended families are becoming increasingly more common in our friendships, churches, and even our own extended families. How do we best minister to these blended families? Do we really even understand how blended families often function or what they need most? Coming from both counseling and theological perspectives, Rev. Chrissy Binion, will uncover practical ways…

The Sun Is Up: One Minister’s Awakening to Racial Reconciliation

In this webinar presented by Rev. Dr. Martha Kearse, follow one pastor’s journey of coming to understand what the true issues are that keep white Christians from understanding, and offering justice to, black people. Learn how the theology of hospitality can help us to move forward in understanding where it is that we have broken…