Equally Called

Consider how Scripture reveals God’s plan for all of humanity—male and female together—to serve God’s people. A 4-session video and curriculum resource for all ages to help your church articulate the biblical and theological basis for affirming the calling of women and nurture a culture that more fully welcomes their leadership. This resource is available…

Coaching: A Tool to Recalculate the Journey in Post-Pandemic Times

This webinar, led by Daniel Sostaita, is designed to incorporate coaching tools into our ministries for the purpose of being relevant in the communities we serve./ Este taller está diseñado para incorporar herramientas de Coaching en nuestros ministerios con el propósito de ser relevantes en las comunidades que servimos.

Principles We Can Learn from Boaz and Ruth: A Biblical Approach to Serve Immigrants

The webinar, led by Rafael Hernandez, will explain briefly some principles from the Book of Ruth (Ruth as an immigrant from Moab) that we should be aware when we are serving in NC a very diverse immigrant community. We will emphasize the concrete practice of justice, mercy, respect, and tolerance as paradigms that we see…

Emotional Intelligence: A Fundamental Competence for Pastoral Care / Inteligencia Emocional: Competencia fundamental para el Cuidado Pastoral

As religious leaders, establishing an effective emotional intelligence competence in our ministry will help us be compelling in earning others’ trust and creating a connection that can empower their growth and ours. This webinar led by Dr. Daniel S. Shipani, will explore the need for this competence for leaders working within a sacred context. English subtitles…

Pastoral Leadership in Chaotic Times: A Theological Approach / Liderazgo Pastoral en tiempos Caóticos: Un acercamiento teológico

Leadership has been a constant energy source to empower change, seeking the transformation of thoughts towards new ways of seeing the world. Dr. Nora O. Lozano seeks to explore the implications of leadership in chaotic times from a theological perspective. English subtitles available.