Ordination Service Orders of Worship

These are sample orders of worship various CBFNC partner congregations used in their ordination worship services.    This resource is particularly helpful for persons interested in worship, ordination, and women in ministry. Documents: Daynette Snead was ordained May 15, 2016 at First Baptist, New Bern, NC. Ordination Service Maegan Smith was ordained on April 14,…

How Can I and my Church Transition to Bi-vocational Ministry?

2016 Small Church conference April 19, 2016 Mount Piscah Baptist Church, Fayetteville This article, by Mickie & Rob Norman, co-pastors of North Brunswick Fellowship Church in Leland, addresses the considerations of bi-vocational ministry and provides steps to consider for both ministers and churches moving toward this type of ministry.  This resource is particularly helpful for…

Telling Your Church’s Story

Presenter: DuPre Sanders, Senior Minister, Roxboro Baptist Church This document, prepared by DuPre Sanders, senior minister of Roxboro Baptist, provides the steps a congregation can take to collect stories from church members and how to communicate these stories effectively.  2016 Gathering March 18, 2016 Hayes Barton, Raleigh   Document: Storytelling Workshop

Protection Policy for Children & Youth

These documents, from CBFNC partner congregations, provide an example of church protection policies to ensure the safety of children and youth while participating in church activities. This resource is particularly helpful for persons interested in Administration, Legal, and Personnel issues.   Document: Working With Minors Policy: Oakmont Protection Policy for Minors and Workers

Things to Consider When Choosing Curriculum

When choosing a curriculum for small groups or Sunday school classes there are many things to consider. Allison Benfield put together this list of questions to ask as you research all your curriculum options. While written specifically with children’s ministry in mind these considerations are helpful regardless of age-group or context.  Document: Curriculum Considerations