Safeguard from Abuse

Have the volunteers that work with your children and youth been through a sexual abuse prevention training? While background checks are helpful they do not catch everything. Safeguard From Abuse, was created to aid as an additional layer of risk management & due diligence for your child safety protocol.  With our faith-based, training and certification program, you will better…

Background Checks for Church Volunteers

Have you run background checks on all your church volunteers, especially those who work with your children and youth? A recommended site for this is SecureSearch. They have worked with thousands of churches, faith-based, and for-impact organizations to help protect those who cannot protect themselves. If you have any questions you can contact Carol Cristiani, vice…

Featured Resources: Spiritual Formation

Our fellowship is filled with amazing ministry experience and resources. We have tapped into this and asked our CBFNC Ministry Teams to create resource lists beneficial for their specific areas of ministry. These resources were featured in our E-news. We hope you will find these lists rich with resources that you will find beneficial to…