VBS Curriculums
The CBFNC Children’s Ministry Advisory Team has compiled a list of recommended Vacation Bible School Curriculums for a variety of ages and contexts. Download the resource here.
The CBFNC Children’s Ministry Advisory Team has compiled a list of recommended Vacation Bible School Curriculums for a variety of ages and contexts. Download the resource here.
This is a summary update provided by CBFNC Legal Resources Partner Jason Cogdill on two important administrative issues that may be applicable to some churches. Download the resource here.
This webinar for youth ministers and leaders promotes awareness of adolescent mental health issues and provides resources for leaders to help normalize the conversations around adolescent mental health. It includes presentations from mental health professionals, as well as a panel discussion and time for questions and conversation. Access the document of resources HERE.
This study provided by CBF Global, invites youth and children to ask where the Holy Spirit is calling them to participate in the mission of the triune God in the world today. By exploring the biblical commitments and urgent contexts of CBF’s Mission Distinctives, groups will discover a compelling case to place their gifts in…