Caring for Homebound Members: A New Model

This is a PowerPoint presentation from Forest Hills Baptist Church in Raleigh outlining their lay-led ministry with homebound members. You will also find supporting documents that further explain the ministry model.    Document: Pdf of the PowerPoint: In Crowd Presentation  Excel Spreadsheet: In Crowd Sample Document: A Guide for Visiting Members of the In Crowd

Sexual Harassment in the Baptist World

Presenter: Dr. Pam Durso, the Executive Director of Baptist Women in Ministry (BWIM). Dr. Durso co-chairs the BWIM-CBF Clergy Sexual Misconduct Task Force. This webinar, presented by Pam Durso, president of Central Baptist Theological Seminary, provides an understanding of what sexual harassment is and suggests actions churches might take to prevent sexual harassment within their…

Church Security

This webinar, presented by Paul Raybon, associate pastor at Hominy Baptist Church in Candler, outlines the necessity for congregations to think through its safety and provides examples of what one congregation’s security measures.  This resource is particularly helpful for persons interested in church administration.  See below for more resources. PowerPoint Slides (PDF): Church Security Webinar…

Change, Growth & Renewal in the Church

2017 CBFNC Annual Gathering March 31, 2017 First Baptist Church in Hickory, NC This outline prepared by Martha Kearse, associate minister at St. John’s Baptist Church in Charlotte, provides the steps a congregation should take over the course of a year in having hard conversations that will change and grow the church.  This resource is…