Sexual Abuse Awareness

Realization of the child sexual abuse epidemic needs to change how churches care for children. Church Ministry Leaders need to recognize their responsibility to be vigilant in taking every safety precaution to protect children in their care. A failure to do so is negligent and destroys lives and churches. Making sure our churches are safe is not something we should be talking about, it is something that…

Understanding and Ministering to Blended Families

Blended families are becoming increasingly more common in our friendships, churches, and even our own extended families. How do we best minister to these blended families? Do we really even understand how blended families often function or what they need most? Coming from both counseling and theological perspectives, Rev. Chrissy Binion, will uncover practical ways…

The Body of Christ: Racial Reconciliation Curriculum

The CBFNC Racial Reconciliation ministry team produced this five-week racial reconciliation curriculum, “The Body of Christ.” Consider where this curriculum could be presented in your church i.e. staff, Sunday school, small groups, leadership teams, deacons.     Document: The Body of Christ – Racial Reconciliation Curriculum

Protection Policy for Children & Youth

These documents, from CBFNC partner congregations, provide an example of church protection policies to ensure the safety of children and youth while participating in church activities. This resource is particularly helpful for persons interested in Administration, Legal, and Personnel issues.   Document: Working With Minors Policy: Oakmont Protection Policy for Minors and Workers