The Sun Is Up: One Minister’s Awakening to Racial Reconciliation

In this webinar presented by Rev. Dr. Martha Kearse, follow one pastor’s journey of coming to understand what the true issues are that keep white Christians from understanding, and offering justice to, black people. Learn how the theology of hospitality can help us to move forward in understanding where it is that we have broken…

Archaeology and the Bible – Friend or Foe?

This webinar presented by Dr. Tony Cartledge addresses the topic of biblical archaeology. “Biblical archaeology” emerged in the 20th century as an effort to prove that biblical places, people, and stories were true. Archaeologists in Israel are now more concerned with understanding the cultures of ancient peoples. Does archaeology confirm the biblical narratives, or does…

God, Evolution, and the Big Bang—Why I Believe in All Three

This webinar is presented by Rick Matthews, a physics professor at Wake Forest University. News media report attacks on evolution and cosmology by faith leaders countered by attacks on religion by prominent scientists. A physicist shares his perspective on the relationship between science and faith and his befuddlement with the conflict.   The solar system…