Featured Resources: Spiritual Formation

Our fellowship is filled with amazing ministry experience and resources. We have tapped into this and asked our CBFNC Ministry Teams to create resource lists beneficial for their specific areas of ministry. These resources were featured in our E-news. We hope you will find these lists rich with resources that you will find beneficial to…

Guide to Funeral Preparation for Individuals

A guide, prepared by Forest Hills Baptist Church in Raleigh and given to congregants, is an example of how churches can minister to their members in the later stages of life. This guide helps congregants think through the elements they’d like in their funeral as well as gives practical information like how the church handles…

Caring for Homebound Members: A New Model

This is a PowerPoint presentation from Forest Hills Baptist Church in Raleigh outlining their lay-led ministry with homebound members. You will also find supporting documents that further explain the ministry model.    Document: Pdf of the PowerPoint: In Crowd Presentation  Excel Spreadsheet: In Crowd Sample Document: A Guide for Visiting Members of the In Crowd