Children’s Grief Resources
This bibliography, prepared by Rachel Hunt Hill, lists books that can be helpful for children who have experienced the death of a loved one. Document: Children’s Grief Resources
This bibliography, prepared by Rachel Hunt Hill, lists books that can be helpful for children who have experienced the death of a loved one. Document: Children’s Grief Resources
This bibliography, prepared by Rachel Hunt Hill, is helpful to those who are caring for and ministering to people who are sick, dying or mourning. These books are from a variety of categories – Christian/pastoral caregiving, secular, academic, and experiential. Document: Resources20for20Caregivers20bibliography20-20updated20CBF203-29-19.doc
Presenter: Bo Prosser This webinar, presented by Catalytic Coach & Consultant Bo Prosser, provides ministers the needed tools to recognize how their personal financial situation affects their ministerial leadership. It also presents steps for ministers to take to become more financially stable. This resource is particularly helpful for persons interested in church administration with regard…
Presenter: Gary Skeen This webinar presented by Gary Skeen, President Emeritus of CBF Church Benefits Board, presents the important information clergy need to effectively prepare their taxes. This resource is particularly helpful for persons interested in church administration with regard to personnel and finance.